December 12, 2021

Author: Tell our earlier cases

A note to Our Author: The letters keep coming, a bunch from some organization I only recently heard of called the Mallory Greenstock Admiration League (MyGAL). I don’t mean to be churlish, but just so I’ll have something intelligent to write back to them about, I’m wondering why you decided to begin with me at such an advanced age. Already in my 40s. That doesn’t seem entirely fair, considering I’ve been working cases—some of them pretty interesting—for about 15 years before you caught up with us in what you decided to call Everything Is Jake. Why? Just because you could make hay of the last line? Personally I’d have preferred you title it The Case of the Hijacked President (you see the pun there? it brings up trucking). It’s not like TR’s earlier cases wouldn’t sell. The one I’d call The Singular Adventures of the Elusive Mr. Sillysauce—we were in the prime of our 30s then—would make a dandy tale. Any chance of seeing that one in print? I bet every single member of the Sillysauce Society would snap up multiple copies. How about it?—MG

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